
Fiend or Foe?

On the 3rd of Phamenoth at 11:54, Fiend (The Riven) slew Kauket and immediately logged out. An hour later Iboni (Shadows) Withered 97 of his Vitality, with 18 failed Dooms (11 of which came after she poisoned him with Keres Essence) and a failed Blaze. Jumsy successfully Doomed Fiend at 13:33, killing him and Sundering his Ka.

Over the next two hours after Fiend's death, akhenuraeus (Shadows) Sapped 450 of Fiend's Anima, Snigut Tu Barat (Shadows) Sapped 2 of Fiend's Anima and Apollyon (Macrocosm) -- now anointed Krumko -- Exhausted 100 of Fiend's Anima. At 15:33, Apollyon resurrected Fiend with a Phoenix Fire and challenged him to a Duel, withdrawing after 3 rounds to poison him with Keres Essence. Apollyon then re-initiated the duel, killing Fiend after 13 rounds.

Nine minutes later, Mikolaj (The Riven) Ruined and Doomed Apollyon. Mikolaj then Exhausted 435 of Fiend's Anima. Ozymandias (eidolon) then used Cureall on Apollyon. Mikolaj responded by Devastating both Ozymandias and Apollyon until they died. Later, Baltar (Shadows) used a Cathartic Philter on Apollyon, which was followed by a Phoenix Fire from Malarthi, which was followed by another Devastate from Mikolaj. Two hours and a minute after his last attack, Mikolaj resurrected Apollyon with a Phoenix Fire and Sacrificed to him 87 Vitality. Ozymandias then used Cureall on Mikolaj. Over the next few hours, smooth_pappa (N: eidolon) Tutored Apollyon for a total of 205,200 Favour.

Fiend has not yet apologized publicly for his premature killing of Kauket. His first post after returning to the game did contain the following explanation: "I got locked up while trying to get away from a fight with Kauket. Every time I tried to run, I hit her again." [1] His explanation was met with incredulity. Accusations of hypocrisy were made, citing the previous Judgments by Euplicitous Aerophram (N: The Riven) of yipikaye (N: Macrocosm) and pakhet, both of whom killed Kauket prior to their Judgments. No explanations were publicly demanded of Euplicitous Aerophram during or after the incidents, but in response to the accusations of hypocrisy, he states: "I have never used Judgment as a penalty simply for prematurely killing Kauket."[2]

A discussion regarding the consequences of prematurely killing Kauket began in the Servants forum, initiated by Mikolaj. The discussion contained many interesting and some noteworthy ideas, however no decision was reached about what consequences were best. Further, no new disciple or group of disciples expressed any interest in upholding one set of consequences over the others.

[1]: Underworld, "Apollyon" #19
[2]: Underworld, "Apollyon" #32

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