
God is Dead . . . and Sundered

On the 5th of Phamenoth, B-Legit (Macrocosm) -- now anointed Krumko -- Anointed to God. Following his name change, RandomEmoticon (Shadows) asked: "Are you omnipotent? If so, do humans have free will? If you're not, then you're a pretty shitty god." [1] Later, Altair (Light) Withered 1 of God's Vitality and RandomEmoticon Doomed God to death, Sundering his Ka. RandomEmoticon had this to say after his actions: "Well, you are a shitty god. How about that."

In an apparently unrelated incident on the 6th of Phamenoth, Euplicitous Aerophram took exception to God in the "B-Legit's Hard Knock Life" thread, stating: I have been injured by exposure to your stupidity. Die."[3] God anointed to Necro later that day.

[1]: Servants, "Dear God" #1
[2]: Underworld, "The day God died" #1
[3]: Servants, "B-Legit's Hard Knock Life #55

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