
Issue 1

10 Phamenoth 2756 / 15 October 2007

Welcome to the first edition of The Ankhet Herald. It is our hope that we will be able to regularly provide an objective view on the happenings of Ankhet. Our main priority is to document the facts for future use and perusal. Please bear with us as we take our first few steps.

The Articles

A New Dawn

Fiend or Foe?

God is Dead . . . and Sundered

Of That Colossal Wreck

The Invasion

The Anoints

The Annals

Quote of the Issue

Euplicitous Aerophram Absolved God. - Heralds, 02:04 6 Phamenoth 2756

Editor's Notes

If you:
-have a journalistic streak and want to assist with The Ankhet Herald . . .
-don't have a journalistic streak and want to a assist with The Ankhet Herald . . .
-think we missed something newsworthy . . .
-disagree with something in the articles . . .
-have an opinion and want it heard . . .
-have a question and want it answered . . .
-want to suggest a quote for the next issue . . .
Then send a letter to the editor at or reply with a comment here. (All comments are screened.) We are equal opportunity and non-discriminatory. Please make your contributions before the Ankhet date ends in 9. Anything submitted after will either be pushed into the next issue or not used at all. We hope you enjoyed the first issue.

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