
The Grinder 2

On the 14th of Phamenoth, Euplicitous Aerophram (N: The Riven) announced the The Grinder 2, the sequel to his widely popular contest from Mecheir. The prizes this time around are: "2 Metasis Charms, 2 Puzzle Boxes, and 1 Azure Decanter." [1] The contestants chosen for The Grinder 2 are akhenuraeus (Shadows), allispaul (Nekhen), Altair (Light), Baltar (Shadows), Dijital (eidolon), em (Nekhen), Freya (The Riven), Krysondra (Nekhen), JadeMage (Shadows), Mikolaj (The Riven), Snigu Ka Tet (Shadows), and Stormcaller (Shadows).

Round One split the contestants into six teams of two: Snigu Ka Tet and Dijital, Stormcaller and Akhenuraeus, Altair and Jademage, Allispaul and Freya, Krysondra and Mikolaj, Em and Baltar. The Challenge: "Teams must now work together to design an artifact for Satet’s shop (located in the Nomad’s Bazaar). This new artifact would be priced at five million favour. Judging will be based on creativity, thoroughness, and viability." [2]

The winners of Round One were Krysondra and Mikolaj for their item, the Ethereal Orb. No contestants have been voted off as of the writing of this article.

[1]: Neophytes, "Contest: The Grinder 2" #1
[2]: Neophytes, "The Grinder 2: Round One" #1

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