
Kauket Killed, Twice

On the 11th of Phamenoth, pakaran (eidolon) killed Kauket at 23:44. Following the slaying, Mikolaj Sapped 600 of pakaran's Anima and with the assistance of Euplicitous Aerophram (N: The Riven) Doomed pakaran to death. (pakaran dodged 4 Dooms from Mikolaj and 2 from Euplicitous Aerophram.) Mikolaj then Sapped an additional 450 of pakaran's Anima.

The only mention of pakaran's punishment was made by pakaran himself on the 12th of Phamenoth: "I'm not complaining abut being locked out of the game for a full day. And, indeed, I'm not complaining now." [1] Following this message, Rincewind (eidolon) bequeathed 500 Anima to pakaran. Mikolaj later Doomed Rincewind to death, five minutes before rollover.

On the 13th of Phamenoth, AKHOM (Antirhodos) slew Kauket at 22:13. Euplicitous Aerophram Doomed AKHOM to death, missing 4 times. Jumsy (N: Light), Altair (Light) and Mikolaj followed up by Exhausting and Sapping 250, 300 and 115 of AKHOM's anima, respectively. AKHOM responded to the attacks with an apology: "To those that I have inconvenienced by killing Kauket, I must apologize . It was my very first time in that part of the sphinxes. I knew that it was troubling and had no intention of making that mistake. I’ve done it and the only thing I can say now is that you can rest assured that it will not happen in the future. Again I apologize." [2]

[1]: Underworld, "An interesting tale the Heralds tell" #81
[2]: Underworld, "AKHOM" #43

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